Academic and Artistic Worlds Dance Together
Research Overview
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Writings via Esi's Corner
need quote here

Active Involvement
“Service to others is the rent you pay for
the room here on earth.” — Muhammad Ali
The connections and affiliations below represent the organizations Dr. Ashley Nicole maintains active participation.

The Black Alumni Network is an inclusive leadership organization that seeks to empower, connect, and celebrate the University of Rochester Black Community.
Involvement: Serving as Global Co-Chair

Niche Market Insights
Foundation, Incorporated
NMI is a national nonprofit community wealth-building organization working to narrow racial wealth and opportunity gaps through niche-empowering research and development strategies, facilitating ecosystem building, community education, and reinvestment.
Involvement: Serving as Vice Chair of Board
The Rochester Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., was established on October 9, 1965, with fifteen charter members.
Involvement: Serving as an active chapter member - member of the Technology Committee and Chair of Grow with Google Committee
Follow via Social Media: @RACDST1913
Rochester (NY) Chapter of
The Links, Incorporated
Rochester (NY) Chapter of the Links, Incorporated is an organization of accomplished, dedicated women who are active in the Greater Rochester community.
Involvement: Serving as Chair of Marketing, Communications, and Technology Committee; and member of The Arts Facet and Fundraising Committee
Follow via Social Media: @ROCNYLinks

Service and Leadership
“Leadership is service, not a position.” — Tim Fargo